Who is the leader of Thrawns new army in Ahoska and who are his soldiers?

Star Wars: Ahsoka keeps the hits coming with some of the best new characters (and old characters) the franchise has seen in years. From the tear-inducing appearance of Ezra Bridger to the spin-chilling introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Dave Filonis brainchild is finally delivering what fans have been asking for. But despite the big-name baddy

Star Wars: Ahsoka keeps the hits coming with some of the best new characters (and old characters) the franchise has seen in years. From the tear-inducing appearance of Ezra Bridger to the spin-chilling introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Dave Filoni’s brainchild is finally delivering what fans have been asking for. But despite the big-name baddy absolutely hogging the spotlight, his right-hand man Enoch and his creepy legion of Night Troopers are sharing some of the limelight.

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The mismatched troopers and their death mask-wearing commander have all but stolen the show in episode 7 and for good reason. The tiny details stitched into the cobbled-together uniforms have already elevated these to the most interesting Trooper variation since the O.G.’s first graced the screen back in 1977.

Who is Captain Enoch in Ahsoka?

Captain Enoch is just as enigmatic as his gold face plate. Despite Thrawn’s long tenure in Star Wars: Rebels and his dedicated trilogy, we know very little about his direct underlings. The Chiss general always had a ready supply of soldiers while he was in empire space, so conserving commanders wasn’t a top priority. But his time on Peridea has changed the paradigm, and now he has a limited number of loyal – and living – soldiers, including Enoch, whose name means “dedicated” in Hebrew.

Outside of his name, Enoch’s most defining feature is an incredibly creepy golden mask. The upgraded faceplate looks similar to a Death Mask, a ceremonial golden faceplate gifted to — or perhaps made for — important nobles in ancient Greece. The mask was meant to both honor the departed and also serve as a connection to the spirit world. The golden visages were likely styled off of the deceased, representing their existing identity despite their departure from the mortal coil. With the witchy tendencies of the Nightsisters and the already dispatched golem, Marrok, there is a real chance that whatever lies under Enoch’s mask isn’t entirely human anymore.

Who are the Night Troopers in Ahsoka?

Just like their commander, the Night Troopers have likely left much of their humanity in the past. The troopers are incredibly loyal to Thrawn, chanting his name and heralding his arrival in an unknown language. The Roman legion would chant their successful commander’s name in reverence, and it’s said that they would greet their leaders by saying, “We who are about to die, salute you.” Historians debate whether or not this was a legitimate phrase, but you have to admit, it’s a blood-chilling thing to hear en mass, and we’re guessing that’s what Enoch was growling during Thrawn’s entrance.

Beyond their unusual greeting, the Night Trooper armor is lined with gold repairs. The spider webbing designs are in a style similar to Kintsugi, the Japanese art of putting broken pottery back together with gold. The idea is that by embracing flaws and imperfections, the piece as a whole can become stronger. Thrawn’s army may have diminished in size, but those that remain are hard, fierce, and ready to die for their emperor.

Or maybe they already did.

The most noticeable changes to the armor are the bands of red cloth wrapped around the limbs and torso of the troopers. The red perfectly matches that of the Nightsisters, tying the fractured army to the death-defying force users. The Dathomarians have been shown using the spirits and bodies of their deceased clan members, so it’s no stretch at all to assume the Great Mothers have been hard at work.

It might not all be from the Nightsisters as the inhabitants of Peridea are also swathed in red. The Nomads are depicted in red, samurai-like armor, which resembles the Nightsister’s gowns. The men under those helmets might have taken on pieces of their fallen foes in addition to some Nightsister upgrades.

As of yet, it’s unclear what Thrawn was loading onto The Chimera, but our guess is some dangerous Nightsister creations. Thrawn is a brilliant tactician and he’s had nothing but time to prepare exactly how to win once his exile ended. He might not have much, but what remains of his troops are the battered remnants battle-tested, hardened, drowning in fanaticism, and possibly dripping with Nightsister magic. With so many things stacked in his corner, we can’t help but agree with the Grand Admiral himself. What was first just a dream has become a frightening reality for those who may oppose him.

