Wendy Williams passed out on live television while dressed as Lady Liberty

Most TV show hosts dressed up for Halloween on their shows, to varying degrees of meh to okay. Wendy Williams was no different she dressed up as Lady Liberty, and her costume was actually pretty awesome. I suspect that with her wig, the elaborate headpiece and the long-sleeved, full-length gown, Wendy was probably pretty

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Most TV show hosts dressed up for Halloween on their shows, to varying degrees of “meh” to “okay.” Wendy Williams was no different – she dressed up as Lady Liberty, and her costume was actually pretty awesome. I suspect that with her wig, the elaborate headpiece and the long-sleeved, full-length gown, Wendy was probably pretty hot. Add that to the bright lighting on any given TV show, and it was a recipe for someone feeling ill. Wendy Williams went through 48 minutes of her live show and then her body gave out – she fainted, collapsing on live television in the middle of a sentence:

The excuse being given by Wendy and her people is “dehydration” and maybe some “exhaustion.” She later posted an Instagram, informing people that: “I’m home, and hydrating, and I will definitely be there tomorrow with the rest of the story.” Page Six has a piece today about how Wendy’s staffers are really worried about her:

There are fears for Wendy Williams’ health after she fainted on live TV on Tuesday. The host — dressed in a Statue of Liberty costume for Halloween — was seen on her show looking disoriented and having trouble reading her teleprompter. Then, a look of terror crossed her face and she staggered backward and collapsed. The show cut to a long commercial break before Williams came back on the air and told the audience, “That was not a stunt. I’m overheated in my costume and I did pass out. But you know what? I’m a champ and I’m back.”

She continued the show, and before signing off she asked, “Is that the end of the show? Was I passed out that long?!”

A show insider said staffers are worried about Williams, following a report that her husband, Kevin Hunter, cheated on her with 32-year-old massage therapist Sharina Hudson, which they both strongly denied. The insider said, “Wendy has become very thin recently, and the show staff wonders if she is under a lot of personal stress.”

A September report claimed that Hunter and Hudson have been hooking up for a decade, and that Hunter moved her into a secluded $765,000 home just miles away from his home with Williams. She addressed the rumors on her show, telling the audience, “It’s weird being a hot topic. In a weird kind of way ... I love the attention ... You can believe what you want. I stand by my guy. We commuted together this morning. The paparazzi were outside catching me in the cutest negligee.”

Her rep Ronn Torossian said at the time, “One plus one does not equal three.”

As for her medical scare, Torossian insisted she was suffering from the ubiquitous showbiz affliction “dehydration.” He said in a statement, “Ms. Williams fainted on-air this morning. She is dehydrated and is on her way home for a good day and night of sleep. She has been examined by medical professionals and is well. She is OK, and will continue shows as planned. She will address this on-air tomorrow.” He added, “She has never missed a day of work.”

[From Page Six]

I’ve never passed out but I’ve felt at times like I would – I’ve been that light-headed, so much so that I immediately needed to sit down and get some water. It could be anything – genuine dehydration, genuine exhaustion, overheating, or maybe she’s sick or getting sick with a flu or something. I always tell this story, but several years ago, I had the Norovirus and I really felt like I was going to die, and that I was going to throw up and pass out if I stood upright for more than a minute. I guess what I’m saying is… it could be anything and I hope Wendy is doing better. Prayers for Wendy!

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Photos courtesy of The Wendy Williams Show, Getty.

