Phoenix Virtual Tour - Real Estate Photography in Prescott Valley

Making a real-estate listing isnt as easy as one thinks. There are many details to take into consideration and one of these will have to be the photos. How is the property gonna be shown to the masses? What is going to the photos appear to be? Every one of these factors are involved within

Professional Real Estate Property Photography Vs. DIY Real-estate Photography – Benefits And Drawbacks

Making a real-estate listing isn’t as easy as one thinks. There are many details to take into consideration and one of these will have to be the photos. How is the property gonna be shown to the masses? What is going to the photos appear to be? Every one of these factors are involved within the overall impact of the listing. Here’s a comparison between professional and DIY real estate photography.

Professional Real Estate Photography

On the whole, this means an expert real estate photographer arriving in and offering an all-encompassing package for your property. They may take all of the photos, put together the final edits, and make a simple selection of photos as required to.


1) Specialized Equipment

It starts with their entry to specialized equipment whether this can include stabilizers, lenses, or a variety of high-grade cameras. This can be their business and they can be sure to put money into some of the world’s finest equipment before coming in. This high-grade equipment is going to help the home look a hundred times better due to the quality for each photo. This is one of the major benefits of heading down this path.

2) Many years of Relevant Expertise

An expert photographer can have numerous years of experience of helping property clients using their properties. This experience is vital since they learn how to set a timeline and how to take photos appropriately. They’re not planning to spend your time nor is it planning to turn out taking unprofessional photos. Sometimes, it’s these little details that go a long way in setting the correct tone for your personal listing! By selecting a specialized professional, you’re gonna be on the right track into a well-regarded collection of photos.

3) Comprehensive Editing

The last advantage is the level of editing that is certainly done on each photo. They’re not likely to “click and shoot” because that’s not where they’re quality sticks out. Yes, depth and perception matter but it’s the editing which enables things pop. Anyone that wants a very high-grade solution knows it has to come as a result of an experienced. They are going to have the editing skills and software to get the job done.


1) Costly

The downside of professional companies is definitely the cost. You’re going to have to a pay a fee for service. If you’re running with a low budget, this may be a problem as well as something you should factor in when investing in an opportunity.

DIY Property Photography

With DIY real estate photography, the idea is usually to take your mobile phone/tablet and take photos from the property all by yourself. Things are done by you together with nothing has to be outsourced into a specialized photographer.


1) Fast Results

The good thing about a DIY approach is having the ability to take out your cellular phone and merely start taking photos. You don’t have to put together a consultation, hold out, or hope the specialist knows what you wish. All things are with you and which can help wrap things up quickly.

2) Full Control

You will be able to maneuver and take several photos as you would like because it’s fully customized. A lot of people enjoy the notion of moving around and not needing to tell somebody else what to do. If that’s something you enjoy, DIY real estate photography might cross your mind at some point or other.

3) No Additional Costs

This is probably the major reasons listed by individuals who pursue DIY photo shoots. It winds up having to do with the funding that’s within their possession. They may not have the cash to pay for an expert and this can lead to a substandard DIY option.


1) No Sense of Direction

No matter how much time is taken, the normal person will not likely understand the theory behind good photography. It’s not as simple as taking a few photos and calling it each day! This can be a major misconception and it is the reason people end up disappointed. There’s reasons professionals produce great photos without putting things off.

2) Lacks Quality

The product quality isn’t likely to be there and therefore often is related to your smartphone’s camera. It is not gonna last before a specialist-grade camera with multiple lenses. The high quality will only disappoint and perform the bare minimum.

Final Thoughts

Unless you’re an experienced property photographer, it’s best to go with a licensed company. They have years of meaningful experience, understand what must be done and value the thought of angles in creating the ideal collection of photos. A DIY session is simply not likely to do justice to the property! It can often emerge blurry, unprofessional, and make the house seem ungainly. Rather than letting this happen, it’s best to usher in a well-reviewed professional real estate property photography service as soon as possible!

