Kirk Cousins shows up to Vikings' kids Halloween party 24 hours after season-ending torn Achilles

As a veteran quarterback, Kirk Cousins has heard every criticism in the book since entering the NFL in 2012. His numbers are inflated. He throws too many interceptions. His stats come in garbage time. He can't perform in primetime.

As a veteran quarterback, Kirk Cousins has heard every criticism in the book since entering the NFL in 2012.

His numbers are inflated. He throws too many interceptions. His stats come in garbage time. He can't perform in primetime.

While Cousins has never reached the level of other elite signal-callers, he has been one of the most consistent players at the position over the past decade. Since joining the Minnesota Vikings in 2018, Cousins has made three Pro Bowls. He was enjoying one of his better seasons in 2023, before an Achilles tear prematurely ended his season this past Sunday.

Kirk Cousins show Minnesota what he's made of

Most players would be down and out emotionally in the aftermath of such an injury, but Cousins is cut from a different cloth. Only a day after the injury happened and the diagnosis was confirmed, Cousins made an appearance at the team's "Kids Club Halloween Party" and was pictured signing an autograph for a fan.

Even more impressive was that the Saint Paul, Minnesota area was under a heavy snowburst while this was going on. Cousins could have chosen to stay home and no one would have batted an eye, but he decided to show up and make at least one young fan's day.

Stuff like this is a big reason why Cousins is held in such high regard by his teammates. A torn Achilles at age 35 will make a recovery long and tough, but Cousins is built from the right material to make that comeback.

