Jennifer Garner has a creepy stalker, and a restraining order

I have never really understood the appeal of stalking a celebrity. If you like a celeb and want to be friends with them, stalking them is not the way to accomplish this. Ive never read a single account of a celebrity becoming best buddies with someone who shows up uninvited in front of their house,

I have never really understood the appeal of stalking a celebrity. If you like a celeb and want to be friends with them, stalking them is not the way to accomplish this. I’ve never read a single account of a celebrity becoming best buddies with someone who shows up uninvited in front of their house, sends them weird letters and packages, or rummages through their garbage. But I suppose that most of these people have some kind of mental illness at work and fail to see the logic in what they’re doing. The latest case in point is the guy stalking Jennifer Garner. Jennifer is seeking legal protection from a stalker she’s been dealing with since 2002. Apparently, the guy is getting a little too close for comfort to the pregnant star and her family – and crazier by the day.

Jennifer Garner has obtained a court order protecting herself from a man she believes is endangering her family.

TMZ has obtained docs ordering Steven Burky to stay clear of Garner — no contact whatsoever.

In her declaration, Garner says “Mr. Burky has been stalking and harassing me,” sending “packages and letters containing delusional and paranoid thoughts and following me around the country …”

Garner says Burky has been harassing her since 2002, but in the last year “his obsessive and harassing behavior has escalated to the point of becoming dangerous and threatening.”

Garner says Burky has shown up at her home and said, “God has sent him a vision of her being persecuted in some manner that may result in her death.”

Garner says she fears for herself, husband Ben Affleck and daughter Violet. She also says “I am currently pregnant and fear for the safety of my second child once born.”

Burky has written a blog called Satanic Panic, asking, “Are multitudes of adults resorting to human sacrifices and then repressing this information from fear of Christ…”

A judge issued a temporary restraining order earlier this month. There’s a hearing tomorrow to make the order permanent.

[From TMZ]

Looney alert! I’ll tell you what – I’d be more than a little freaked out by this guy too judging from his manifesto. But the part I don’t get is why, with all this talk about Satan and human sacrifices, he’d be fixated on someone like Jennifer Garner. Why not Marilyn Manson or someone like that?

Jennifer Garner tells the paparazzi to back off as she tried to take her daughter, Violet Affleck, to a doctor’s office in Beverly Hills. Apparently, little Violet wasn’t feeling well. Photo credits: Fame.

