How to play Gun Game in Modern Warfare 2 before its release

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's launch was underwhelming to some, with the shooter title lacking several pieces of content that were present in the game's previous iterations. Sadly, popular game modes such as Hardcore, Gunfight, and Gun Game, were nowhere to be seen. However, recent developments suggest that Gun Game will be returning to

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's launch was underwhelming to some, with the shooter title lacking several pieces of content that were present in the game's previous iterations. Sadly, popular game modes such as Hardcore, Gunfight, and Gun Game, were nowhere to be seen. However, recent developments suggest that Gun Game will be returning to the series this year.

While fans wait for the mode to officially arrive, the Call of Duty community has already discovered a trick, using which players can enjoy this particular game mode right now. It should be noted that this trick takes advantage of the Private Match mode. As of right now, this is the only way to try out Gun Game before it's officially added to the public playlist.

This guide covers all the steps involved in accessing the Gun Game mode in Modern Warfare 2 ahead of its launch.

A guide to playing Gun Game before its release in Modern Warfare 2

Being a fairly fun and quick game mode, Gun Game is essentially a free-for-all deathmatch, where all players start with the same weapon. As they get kills and progress further, their guns will also receive an upgrade or be changed entirely. The match ends when a player gets a kill with the final weapon in the gun progression system. If no participant was able to reach the final weapon and get a kill, the player with the highest level of gun wins.

As mentioned before, Gun Game is currently unavailable in Modern Warfare 2. Even in the Private Match section, it isn't directly accessible. Having said that, here's the trick that you can implement to play this mode in the latest Call of Duty installment right now:

1) First, load up Call of Duty HQ and head to the Modern Warfare 2 tab.

2) From here, scroll down to the Multiplayer section and navigate to the Private Match tab.

3) Selecting it will present you with two options; Create Private Match and Join Private Match. You will have to choose the first option.

Creating a private match (Image via Activision)

4) A list of all the current game modes that are available to play will now show up. With Gun Game originally being a free-for-all mode, select the Free for All card.

5) You must wait in the lobby until the Game Setup section becomes accessible. Once it shows up, click on it.

6) Now, select the Game Rules card.

7) Here, navigate to the Gameplay tab. It will be on top of all the settings displayed therein.

8) From the available gameplay settings, change the Gun Game Weapon Swaps option to Kills. By default, it will be set to Off.

Enabling Gun Game Weapon Swaps (Image via Activision)

9) Head back to the main Private Match lobby and click on Start Match.

The match will now begin with the Gun Game settings turned on. Additionally, you can tweak other settings in the Game Setup tab to tune the experience to your liking.

This is how one can easily access the Gun Game mode in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Considering that it's a Private Match, you will be the only player in the lobby. Hence, it's advised to play this mode with friends or with bots enabled to take advantage of the mode's interesting gun changes and upgrades.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded are now live on PC (via and Steam), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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