George Clooney Defends Meghan Markle Becomes Samantha Markle Latest Target On Twitter

George Clooney is a stand-up guy. He proved that once again as he publicly defended Meghan Markle calling her a true gift. However, not everyone is pleased with his support for the Duchess of Sussex. Her estranged half-sister Samantha Markle is once again on the warpath, and this time the Oceans 11 hunk is her

George Clooney is a stand-up guy. He proved that once again as he publicly defended Meghan Markle calling her a “true gift.”

However, not everyone is pleased with his support for the Duchess of Sussex. Her estranged half-sister Samantha Markle is once again on the warpath, and this time the Oceans 11 hunk is her number one target.

The latest drama surrounding the family of Prince Harry’s wife began earlier this week. During an interview with the Who, the Oscar winner was asked if he would be the godfather to Harry and Meghan’s baby. He denied the allegations insisting he has enough to deal with being the father of twins. The interview quickly turned serious as the topic switched to Markle and the way the press has treated her.

“This morning, George Clooney being criticized for comparing her [Meghan Markle] treatment to Diana.” @keirsimmons reports on George Clooney’s recent comments about Meghan Markle and the media

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) February 13, 2019

“I do want to say; they’re just chasing Meghan Markle everywhere, she’s been pursued and vilified. She’s a woman who is seven months pregnant, and she has been pursued and vilified and chased in the same way that Diana was and its history repeating itself. We’ve seen how that ends. She’s getting a raw deal there, and I think it’s irresponsible and I’m surprised by that,” the actor stated, even referencing the letter that Markle reportedly wrote to her father.

His words angered Meghan’s half-sister Samantha, who has been very vocal about speaking out against the royal couple on social media. Clooney became the latest person who was attacked by her on social media

“Hey Looney Clooney Your lawyer wife should have taught you not to make statements without full facts,” she Tweeted.

It could have ended there, but the older Markle sister decided to continue on her rant.

“I doubt #GeorgeClooney would ghost his mother for no legitimate reason. Be quiet Georgie,” Markle said.

Samantha Markle fired back at George Clooney after he defended Meghan Markle: "Hey Looney Clooney! Your lawyer wife should have taught you not to make statements without full facts."

— E! News (@enews) February 13, 2019

Unfortunately, George Clooney is merely just another person to come under attack by Samantha Markle, in the media. She is set on defending her family’s name and calling out her younger sibling for casting them aside. It is the never-ending battle of the Markle family, which has been front and center since news of Meghan’s engagement to Harry.


Clooney being the class act he is, has not even bothered to respond to the Tweets. He is not on social media and has yet to acknowledge them in an interview.

